Your Business Soul


What have you done for your business soul lately?  You may ask, ‘What is my business soul?”.  It is that part of you where your passion comes from.  It is what drives you to keep doing what you are doing.

Your business soul is really important to what you are doing, however like our full soul, sometimes it becomes run down.  We wonder why we do this every day.  Do we want to do this today? Maybe even, Can you remind me why I am doing this?  There is so much that can drive this; lost deal, someone tells you that you can’t do something, not enough money, employee issues, and the list goes on.  How do you rejuvenate from this?  It can be really hard sometimes! Don’t you agree?

Well, that is what got me thinking about this topic.  I was in one of those slumps, just feeling frustrated about many things.  Then something happened.  One of my favorite Author’s, Jen Sincero who wrote, two great books, “You are a Badass: How to Start Doubting Your Greatness and Living an Awesome Life” and “You are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth” was coming to Toledo, Ohio on her book tour.  Now, Toledo is 3.5 hours away from Cincinnati and it was going to be on a Thursday night, and, let’s be truthful, I could be using all that time to do a lot more constructive stuff.  Do you know what I did, without thinking, (it was totally an emotional reaction)?  I posted on Facebook Jen was coming and who wanted to come with me to see her?  Well, two of my friends took me up on the deal, Christine Luken, The Financial Lifeguard, and Beverly Richards, Partner of LDR Interactive Technologies.

So, we piled into my car on Thursday, we were so excited, we chronicled our trip on Facebook. Some would have thought we were going to a rock concert.(A few of friends just laughed at us, but we didn’t care.)  We attended the VIP event, got to meet Jen personally, listen to a great presentation that touched all our souls. We then went and stayed in a delightful hotel and enjoyed great company that evening and during the drive back home.  This filled all our souls and even though, as I write this, it was four weeks ago, we all still smile when thinking about this experience, we can’t help it.  It continues to rejuvenate our batteries.  Ironically, I have done something every Thursday since then that has turned out to help fill my business soul.  Guess, that is going to be my ‘refill day’! The other fun thing is that as I talk to people about this, they are telling me stories on how they accomplish this!  It really is so much fun.  Maybe you should ask people around you how they do it!

Filling your soul doesn’t have to be something as crazy as this.  It could be finally committing to doing something you have wanted to do for a long time, like going to the gym, reading that book you wanted to read, spending time with a person that you know you just need to see.  It could be stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something for your business that you have been afraid to do.  It could be asking the amount of money you think you are worth.  There are so many things that can help you rev those batteries back up. Find yours.

What do you do or are going to do to refill your business soul?  Please leave a comment below to share ideas on how we can all accomplish this.  Every idea may help one person move a little farther forward today!


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