“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” ― Steve Jobs
Most people are not born into wealth
and must make their way for the future. Steve Jobs is correct; work does fill a big part of our lives. The income our work provides is essential to our lives, as it puts food on our tables, clothes on our backs, and, hopefully, a life we want. I found an article in The Balance Careers that talks about the average hours worked per week by Americans. When some read this, they are going to feel like the hours are understated; I felt the same way. Remember, this is an average. However, because work fills such a big part of our lives, shouldn’t we be doing something meaningful?
When I read this quote, two things impacted me; ‘Do what you believe is great work’ and ‘To do great work is to love what you do.’ Those two statements are something we try to get when working with clients. Many people are not sure what they want to do, it can feel like the proverbial ‘needle in a haystack’ when trying to figure it out. They can get into a J-O-B and find that it is not fulfilling. Others might know what they want to do; my son was one of those people who knew from a young age. Others may get into that J-O-B and find a career and something they love. Those people who ‘know’ or ‘fall into’ the right career is really fortunate. If you read my last blog, you learned a little about my job history and know that it took several careers to find my way to where I am now. I am grateful for the journey and all I learned.

One of my favorite things to do
is help people discover ‘Why’ they do what they do. Sometimes it can be life-changing. An example would be Stephanie Potter. Stephanie started coaching with me to help her in her J-O-B. While working, we couldn’t get to any passion for what she was doing. When she began telling me her story about her son-in-law and her granddaughter Sam, her passion flowed out of every pore in her body! You see, Sam’s dad took his life and then later Sam had 2 aborted suicide attempts herself. The good news was Sam got the help she needed and recognized that she was not alone and wanted to help others.
Being the Awesome Grandmother that she is, Stephanie just wanted to help Sam fulfill that dream. Hence the birth of Rob’s Kids a non-profit organization that helps kids close to the edge to want to live a full productive life. They have done amazing things in helping kids get back up again. Please understand that Stephanie didn’t just leave her J-O-B and start Rob’s Kid’s, she worked on both for a while, and when she felt the time was right, she made a move totally over to the non-profit. She is doing great work that means so much to her and others.
The great work you do
can be in any field, and the job can be big or small. It is about doing something you wake up every day and enjoy doing. I was watching Diner’s Drive In’s and Dives the other day, and one of the restaurants had a waitress that had worked at that particular restaurant for 37 years! She started when she was 17. It was her customers that she loved most about the job and because she loved them so much, she couldn’t see herself working anywhere else and stayed all these years. Think for a moment of your favorite restaurant and that waiter or waitress who has been there every time you go in and how good they make you feel. We have one at Washington Square, Jeanine; she even knows what we order each week. She loves what she does, and her clients are important to her, and more importantly, she is important to us.
When you love what you do,
your clients, customers, friends, family all feel your passion. They understand. (Well most of the time). It isn’t always about the size of your paycheck. Yes, having money to live the life you want is important. However, when you are doing something that fills you up, in some cases can be better than the money you make. Those moments when you recognize that what you did changed someone’s moment, day, life can give you an almost indescribable feeling. Are you smiling right now because you are thinking of one of those moments? I hope so.
My wish is you find your way to do what you love, even if it takes time; it did for me. Because, when you do, you will do great work! Your great work will change the world, someone’s world! Don’t settle; find it!
Kind Words from Happy Clients
We Will Work Our Way Through Together
Each Thursday at 3 p.m. a great group of entrepreneurs and business people gather to have great conversation, share ideas, and help each other grow their businesses. The only thing missing is you! Click on ‘Contact’ above and I will send you the link! This is not a sales pitch, it is just to let us help you!
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Love this! Passion is so important. I love making truffles and seeing the look on the faces of people who eat them for the first time. I love doing many things and those that I don’t I try to limit. Keep reaching for the things you love!
You have found it! Your passion for your truffles is written all over you!!