Am I The Problem?

Am I The Problem?

It is goal setting time! In the last week, I have been sending out to my clients their goal setting sheets and questionnaires for 2021.  This year I added a few new questions..  One of them was about what would hold them back from achieving their goals.  While...
What Are People Saying About Your Business?

What Are People Saying About Your Business?

This is a simple question, right? Your assumption is they are saying great things and raving about all the good things that you are doing. Why would they say anything else?  We all hope that and believe it! But, what are they saying, and are they even talking about...
ReInvention – You Can

ReInvention – You Can

This morning in between meetings, I was trying to figure out what my next blog should be on.  In reviewing my list of topics, none of them were hitting me for what I wanted to write about today.  Then my next meeting started and yes, the universe heard my quandary for...