Home ~ Nanette Polito

Get serious about your success.

Get serious about your success.

Incredibly effective coaching, workshops, and assessments to help you achieve your business goals.

Nanette Polito, Success Coach

I work with both individuals and corporate teams who are serious about being successful. My unique style of coaching and teaching combines my passion for mentoring, 40+ years of practical business experience, and a little bit of tough love.


The world’s most successful people, from star athletes, entrepreneurs, and artists use a mentor or coach. Why shouldn’t you? Breakthrough barriers and develop effective habits that support your success through individual and team coaching programs. 


Could your #1 sales tool be hiding in your personal story? Are you searching for more passion, direction, and purpose in your work? Nanette’s 3-day professional development workshops are a breath of fresh air for your business.

NSight Success Assessment

How well do you know yourself? Your team members? When it comes to success, understanding who you’re working with is crucial. Learn about yourself and discover a blueprint for your success based on 7 personality indicators.

About Nanette

There was a day in Nanette Polito’s life when she needed to be empowered and someone put a baseball bat in her hand…literally. It was a Louisville Slugger.

Read Nanette’s full story >

Latest Posts

Where Is Your Vision Taking You?

It is one of those times when a topic just keeps coming up!  It is like the ‘red car syndrome’.  You buy a red car that you think is so different and then you see them everywhere!  My ‘red car’ this week is the topic of Vision.  It is all around me the universe keeps...

The Voice Inside Us

For the last couple of months, I have been working on goal setting with my clients for the new year.  One of the questions that they are asked is:  ‘What would stop you from accomplishing your plan this year?’  Many of the people responded in some form of “Me”.  That,...

Is Your Luggage To Heavy?

You may think.... this blog is about going on a trip and how you pack your bag! That you find you pack everything but the kitchen sink because you may need that one thing and you surely don’t want to be without it. And, this is about how you can pack lighter and be...

Testimonials/Reviews Are They Important For Your Business?

Isn’t that a crazy question? Testimonials and reviews are so important to your business.  They are a tool that is often used to help people decide if they are going to use you or not!  Lord knows, I read reviews on companies we are thinking of using for...

Am I The Problem?

It is goal setting time! In the last week, I have been sending out to my clients their goal setting sheets and questionnaires for 2021.  This year I added a few new questions..  One of them was about what would hold them back from achieving their goals.  While...

What Are People Saying About Your Business?

This is a simple question, right? Your assumption is they are saying great things and raving about all the good things that you are doing. Why would they say anything else?  We all hope that and believe it! But, what are they saying, and are they even talking about...

Tough Times…What Do You Do?

What is your definition of ‘Tough Times’?  Take a moment, do some soul searching, and think about what your answer would be.  We will come back to this. Personally, for me, the last two years have been trying.  The biggest would be that I lost three of my dearest...

A Week of Outstanding Customer Service

I am compelled to write this blog.  The reason is that last week I was blessed with three different occasions of fabulous customer service.  Please allow me to tell you about them.My First Experience  A package from Amazon was supposed to arrive at my home on Sunday. ...

Being Happy

Being Happy,  especially right now, can be a challenge. We are still in a pandemic, still basically locked down, society has its struggles, and the news is depressing. This can make it hard for many people to find joy in their lives and happiness in their business or...

You Must Be The Queen (or King) of Your Business

Yesterday, I was visiting my wonderful friend, Jennifer Kavensky’s club called Vibe Nutrition. The purpose of the visit was for another one of my clients to see what Jennifer has created as she wants to do something similar in another area. Jennifer has worked 20...